
Make Your Gift to the Ellis Fund


About The Ellis Fund

The Ellis Fund is Ellis’ annual fund that goes toward the School’s current-year operating expenses. Ellis Fund gifts make up the difference between what tuition covers and the actual cost of running the School. Such gifts are unrestricted, 这意味着捐赠者允许学院把钱花在它认为必要的任何地方.

Other Ways to Give to the Ellis Fund

List of 4 items.

  • Check

    Please make checks payable to "The Ellis School". You may send your gift to: The Ellis School, Development Office, 6425 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
  • Gifts of Securities

    发展办公室将应要求提供股票转让说明. 所有礼品在收到后立即出售. For more information, please call 412-661-6796.
  • Gifts-in-Kind

    经发展办公室预先批准后,接受实物礼品. For more information, please call 412-661-6796.
  • EITC Special Purpose Entity (SPE) Program

    对于那些希望对在校学生的生活产生有意义的影响并捐赠给 Tailored Tuition (financial aid) at The Ellis School and receive Pennsylvania Education tax credits (EITC) on their personal tax return, participating in a Special Purpose Entity (SPE) creates a unique opportunity for an EITC individual donor. 

    • The SPE program is based on tax liability, not income; therefore, each situation will be different. 个人或夫妻共同申报的最低收入必须为115美元,在州应税收入中有000美元或有3美元的州应税义务,500 or more to participate. To see if you qualify, you can find your Pennsylvania tax liability on Form PA‐40 Line 12 of your most recent tax return.
    • 这项捐赠是一项为期两年的承诺,以获得宾夕法尼亚州90%的税收抵免.
    • Donors must be employed by or own a for profit business or own stock in a business that operates in Pennsylvania. If you file jointly with a spouse, 一个为企业工作,另一个为非营利组织工作, 两者都符合确定纳税义务的目的.

    The chart below is an example of how these tax credits can benefit both you and The Ellis School: 

    PA State Taxes of Donor$10,000
    SPE Contribution$10,000
    PA State Tax Credit 90%$9,000
    Fed. Charitable Deduction 10%$1,000
    Total Tax Savings$9,000

    欲了解更多信息,请联系中部宾夕法尼亚奖学金基金( or 814-942-4406) or click here for more information. 你也可向教务处处长Claire Devereux ( or 412-661-6796, x131).  


A New Look for the Ellis Middle School

The next project in our continuing efforts to improve our beautiful campus is updating all of the common spaces in the Ellis Middle School. 我们一起努力,让这个重要的项目跨过终点线, 我们希望您能通过下面的链接在年底为这项工作捐款.

Our 2023–2024 Giving Goal

  1. 100
  2. 90
  3. 80
  4. 70
  5. 60
  6. 50
  7. 40
  8. 30
  9. 20
  10. 10
  11. 0
Goal $800,000.00
Current $648,765.00
Remaining $151,235.00

Your Guide to Supporting Ellis

More Ways to Give to Ellis

List of 3 items.

  • Endowed Giving

    澳门新葡新京官方捐赠基金是澳门官方老葡京永久的、自我维持的资金来源. Funds for endowed faculty chairs, scholarships, and ongoing maintenance of its facilities ensure that Ellis is able to attract and retain a community of talented faculty and students, 以及校园的整体可持续性. By providing non-tuition operational dollars, the endowment helps to keep tuition as affordable as possible for all current and future families while supporting Tailored Tuition, faculty salaries, facilities, and much more. A gift to the Ellis endowment is a way to make an impact on the School and its students far into the future. 
    当你指定你的礼物是捐赠的时候, the principal amount of your gift will be invested and the investment income will be used for the ongoing support of Ellis. 超过分配的收益被用来建立捐赠基金的市场价值. 目前的捐赠基金支持奖学金和量身定制的学费, faculty chairs, and other critical needs within the school. 当你设立捐赠基金时,你就为澳门新葡新京官方创造了一个永久的支持遗产. 请联系进步主任克莱尔·德弗罗,地址是 如果你想讨论捐赠的礼物或有任何问题.
  • Capital Giving

    除了澳门新葡新京官方正在进行的筹款活动, 我们经常开发特殊的项目,以提高我们的校园和学生的经验. Capital gifts have the ability to create powerful and essential opportunities for both the students and faculty members during their time on campus. 资本赠予不仅资助实体项目, but can also support scholarships; endowments; visiting scholars, speakers, and artists; travel grants; professional development, and more. Please share your interest in supporting a special project with the Development Office at 412-661-6796.
  • Gifts-in-Kind

    经发展办公室预先批准后,接受实物礼品. For more information, please call 412-661-6796.

List of 2 items.

  • Gifts of Securities

    发展办公室将应要求提供股票转让说明. 所有礼品在收到后立即出售. For more information, please call 412-661-6796.
  • Corporate Giving Through EITC & OSTC

    The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs allow eligible Pennsylvania businesses to receive tax credits for their philanthropic contributions to The Ellis School.

    All applications are now online through a single electronic application, which can be accessed here: EITC Single Electronic Application

    Business Application Timeline
    • May 15 – Deadline for business applicants who have fulfilled their 2-year commitment and wish to reapply to renew their 2-year commitment.
    • 5月15日——对于那些正在履行2年承诺的企业来说,最后期限是什么.
    • July 1 – Deadline for all other businesses, including initial applicants and those applicants wishing to submit an additional application on top of their previously submitted 2-year commitment.
    Please visit the 宾夕法尼亚州社区和经济发展部网站 欲了解更多信息,请致电412-661-6796与发展办公室联系.
Curious About Corporate Matching Gifts?
了解你的雇主是否有配对礼物政策, 只需在下面的搜索栏中输入您的公司名称. In some instances, 可以通过我们的搜索引擎直接访问公司的匹配表单. If forms aren’t readily available online, 请联系贵公司的人力资源代表进行匹配.

More questions about matching gifts? Call us at 412-661-6796 or email us at
Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 5 frequently asked questions.

  • What is the Ellis Fund?

    澳门新葡新京官方基金为学院提供无限制资金的主要来源, 使学院能够将资金用于最需要的领域. It’s made up of hundreds of unrestricted gifts that help offset Ellis’ yearly operating expenses. 
    澳门官方老葡京依靠它的家长社区, grandparents, alumnae, past parents, friends, faculty/staff, foundations, and area businesses and corporations to contribute. Ellis Fund gifts are put to immediate use, spent in the same fiscal year in which they are received.
  • Where exactly do Ellis Fund dollars go?

    Gifts made to the Ellis Fund provide support to some of the most important areas on campus including Tailored Tuition, academic support, athletic programs, performing and visual arts, and student activities. 这也使澳门新葡新京官方能够招募和留住最优秀的教师, provide professional development opportunities, and enhance and upgrade facilities.
  • Why is annual giving so important?

    每年捐献是对基金会的一份声明, corporations, and other community funders. Gifts showcase the strength of our community and signal that you believe in Ellis’ mission and the unique educational experience the school provides. 

    Your annual gift provides vital support to the immediate operating budget of Ellis and helps to ensure that departments and programs get the funds they need to provide the highest quality student experience while maintaining a balanced budget.
  • I already pay tuition. Why am I being asked to contribute?

    Tuition only covers about 75% of an Ellis education. While tuition, fees, and the endowment cover the majority of the cost, the Ellis Fund makes up the difference.

    If Ellis only relied on tuition and did not conduct fundraisers, tuition would actually be higher. Since Ellis is a nonprofit and must raise funds each year to ensure the excellent education received by all Ellis students, Ellis Fund gifts are tax-deductible, whereas tuition dollars are not.
  • 我可以指定我想把捐给澳门新葡新京官方基金的钱捐给哪里吗?

    Yes! 捐给澳门新葡新京官方基金的捐款可以指定用于体育运动, arts, Tailored Tuition, faculty salaries, facilities, and general operational costs. 你的礼物可以真正影响整个澳门新葡新京官方社区.

List of 5 frequently asked questions.

  • Does it matter when I make my gift?

    Yes. A gift or pledge made early in the school year is a great advantage to the School because it enables us to know how much money will be available to support the School’s budget throughout the year. 目标是在9月30日之前获得澳门新葡新京官方基金的承诺. Pledges must be paid by May 31. 我们要求在3月1日前向雇主提交相应的捐赠承诺.
  • I can’t make a large donation. Do small donations matter?

    Yes! 每一份礼物,无论多少,都是非常感激的,对我们的成功很重要. 此外,大家的参与有助于我们达到筹款目标. 
    Additionally, 它显示了我们社区的大力支持和参与, 这是向外部来源寻求捐款时的一个重要因素. 公司和外部捐赠者想知道父母是否, alumnae, 和祖父母支持学校和它的使命. Participation in the Ellis Fund demonstrates confidence in the School and puts Ellis in a strong position when foundations and other organizations are considering a gift to the School.
  • How much should I give?

    我们要求你在一个对你有意义的层面上给予. 过去,个人礼物的金额从5美元到15万美元不等. While leadership gifts of $1,000英镑及以上的学费对学院的财务稳定至关重要, gifts of all sizes make a difference. All gifts send a message to members of the Ellis community and to outside funding sources that those who benefit most from Ellis support it.
  • 澳门新葡新京官方多久会向我募捐一次?

    澳门新葡新京官方的财政年度从7月1日开始,到6月30日结束. Solicitations for the Ellis Fund coincide with the start of the school year and we continue to solicit funds through June 30, the end of the School’s fiscal year. Once your gift/pledge is made for the school year, 在本财政年度余下的时间里,澳门新葡新京官方基金将不会向你征求捐款.
  • 捐给澳门新葡新京官方基金的礼物和捐给捐赠基金的礼物有什么区别?

    Gifts to the Ellis Fund specifically address the yearly operating expenses that are incurred while running the School and are built into the budget on a yearly basis. The Ellis endowment is our savings and investment account from which only limited funds can be drawn each year.

Meet Our Team

Claire Devereux

Director of Advancement

The Advancement Office supports the mission of The Ellis School by building meaningful relationships with our entire community, including alumnae, parents, grandparents, and friends.

A gift to The Ellis School, be it time, energy, or money, makes a direct impact on every student at Ellis and is an investment in the future as we educate the next generation of female changemakers and leaders.

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Anne Lawson

    Ms. Anne Lawson 

    Assistant Director of the Annual Fund
  • Photo of Emily Chierici

    Ms. Emily Chierici 

    Database and Gift Manager
  • Photo of Elisa Lucke

    Mrs. Elisa Lucke 

    Alumnae Coordinator